Consulting & Training
Consulting & Training
Using our years of psychiatry oversight experience, GERMANE & WISE Mental Health Systems Consulting offers hospital systems innovative mental health care management that grows revenue, better serves your practitioners, and makes you the standout care provider in your community.
Here are some of the many things we can do:
Help your primary care clinics develop collaborative care model/behavioral health integration system, including our proprietary training.
Help make your psychiatry outpatient department more efficient and profitable, by working with you specialty providers to expand patient capacity as well as developing alternative payment methods that provide better reimbursement.
Evaluate your current services, both inpatient and outpatient, for cost, reimbursement, clinical quality, compliance and workflow.
Help you repair or create a culture of trust and empowerment.
Having trouble recruiting another Endocrinologist? Neurologist? Geriatrician? Germane & Wise can help you leverage your existing high-demand specialists to cover more patients even when they don’t need mental health. Our system doesn’t mean more work for the doctors, just more care for the patients, so everybody wins.
Develop Emergency department intervention and strength-based discharge planning
Germane & Wise knows about solving mental health problems as they emerge throughout the healthcare system. We can create innovative solutions for what is troubling your system - whether it is patients backing up the emergency rooms or how to triage mental health in the call center - we can develop an effective, evidenced-based solution specific to your situation.